



Cody Kautz is a graphic designer, artist, photographer and outdoor enthusiast. Influenced by a daring mountain guide father, and a hardworking emergency flight-nurse mother, Cody has learned to test the line between pulse-elevating adventure and necessary precaution. When you can’t find him behind his computer, he is most likely scaling a mountain or paddling through waves, usually with a camera in his hand, always with a smile on his face.

Cody attended California Polytechnic State University in San Luis Obispo, California and received a degree in Art and Design.


Question and Answer:

What do you enjoy most about design?

I enjoy tackling challenges, and exploring the balance and interaction of visual aesthetics and intuitive function.


What experience convinced you to be a designer?

Back in high school, I would spend hours in my garage screen printing t-shirts to sell to my friends. It was their positive feedback and encouragement that convinced me to be a designer.


What is your dream pet?

Bernese Mountain Dog, unless a grizzly bear becomes a safe and responsible choice. 


Favorite Meal?

Pad Thai


What is your favorite childhood memory?

Wading through chest deep mud, in my underwear, in a 600’ deep slot canyon, with a backpack and camera gear held above my head. You can thank the mountain guide father for that one.